Do not carry around large amounts of cash. Credit cards, debit cards and even travelers checks are a safer way to shop.
Notify your credit card issuer immediately, if your card is stolen, misused or lost.
Use an ATM inside a busy, well-lit location and withdraw only the amount you need. Protect and shield your PIN, don't throw away your receipt at the ATM location, and don't "flash your cash."
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Don't carry a purse or wallet, if possible. Carry cash in an inside front pocket or a purse in front of you.
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Be aware of your surroundings - Stay alert at all times. |
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Carry a charged cell phone for added security. |
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Park and drive smart. Avoid driving alone at night on quiet, dark roads. Park close to a well lit entrance and take note of what parking area the car is in. Make sure the car is running properly and has enough fuel.
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Shop with a friend or family member. Try to shop with someone for added safety. |
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Don't overload yourself with packages. Store them in the trunk or cover them. |
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Beware of suspicious people in or out of a store and report any odd behavior to authorities.
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Ask for a mall security escort especially in the dark or when the car is parked far away.
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Shop online if possible. Be sure to have packages delivered to the home when someone is there to bring them inside. Do not leave out on the porch or in a hallway in a building for a thief to steal.